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Over a million views for "3 Letters that will save the planet"

Updated: Jul 17, 2024

At the start of the year, World Wide Generation CEO and Founder Manjula Lee, launched her hotly anticipated Oxford Talk "3 Letters that will save the planet".

Already the video has over 1.1 million views and 14,000 likes making it the largest viewed video so far in the Oxford Talk's history.

Manjula's video is based on a response to the Economist's 2022 article, "ESG, Three letters that won't save the planet" that sets out the argument that as we are in a climate crisis, and we should only focus on the E 'Environment'; therefore, ESG should be boiled down to one simple measure: Emissions.

Since this article, it seems as if national leaders, captains of industry, standard setters, regulators, and sadly even Chief Sustainability Officers are rapidly going in this direction and hence why Manjula felt compelled to film this Oxford Talk urgently. Firstly, Manjula challenges this theory and illustrates why this strategy is not only wrong but dangerous for humanity, and at the same time, demonstrates that there truly is a more sustainable and simple way forward.

Discover in this film three letters that will actually save the planet, the holistic lens with which we need to view sustainability challenges and the changes in our thinking that will truly make a difference for the planet and its people.If you are moved by Manjula’s Oxford Talk please sign the petition here.

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